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Search IFSC Code | Find Bank IFSC Code in India - Masters India

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IFSC Code search through popular bank


You must have pondered about what does IFSC code means while transferring the money or any online payment. Do you know every bank branch have different IFSC Code which is a blend of both mathematical letters and numbers?

IFSC Code of

Every branch of can be recognized with the help of their exclusive IFSC code. Normally, begins with the first four letters of the bank name, followed by seven numbers. The sample format of IFSC Code is ABCD0123456.

Where to search IFSC Code

Anyone can search IFSC code either using Masters India or via bank's cheque and passbook. You need to follow the following simple procedure to search

IFSC Code using Masters India:

  • Go to Masters India website and Opt IFSC Code page
  • Select from the drop-down list of banks
  • Choose the location of the using state and district filter
  • Opt the respective branch of
  • A new page will open showing IFSC Code, the address of the branch and contact number of such branch

Note: Every branch has its own exclusive IFSC Code

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IFSC Code?

IFSC, Indian Financial System Code, is an alphanumeric 11 digits unique code assigned by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to identify every bank branch in India effortlessly. The main idea behind the introduction of the IFSC code was to enable hazel-less inter-bank electronic funds transfer.

For instance, if a person has two accounts in different branches of the same bank, then in such case IFSC number will differ for each bank branch.

The format of this 11 digits alphanumeric code is as follows:

ifsc format
  • The first 4 characters will be letters representing the bank name;
  • The 5th character is a digit i.e., 0 which is kept constant for the future use;
  • The last 6 characters can be either number or letter representing the individual branch.

In case you do not want to use Demand Drafts or cheques, you should know IFSC number of both the transferring and the transferee bank branch to transfer funds electronically. There are thousands of bank branches spread across the country that participate in the electronic fund transfer.

The electronic fund transfer can take place via Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) and Immediate Payment System (IMPS). These are the safer, speedier and lesser cumbersome systems of money transfer when compared with other traditional modes of money transfer such as cheques.

Generally, banks do not update or change their IFSC codes unless there is amalgamation/merger. For instance, State Bank of India (SBI) recently changed IFSC codes of all the branches across India, after five associate banks and one other bank merged with it.

Now let us see some key features of the IFSC code:

  • Helps in identifying specific bank branch
  • Used for RTGS, NEFT & IMPS fund transfer
  • Helps in eliminating errors in the process of fund transfer
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