MCA company search is the free company search tool, with this MCA search you can check company name, and company directors details MCA website contain all the data of a Company. Anybody can be performed this check by MCA name check. This MCA name check data is available free of cost at ministry of corporate affairs database or MCA website.
Company Name Search Online can be performed for both in new and old company as well, once a new company or business registered then it get addedin MCA data base and will come in MCA company searching if some one perform on tools like MCA check company name.
In simple words, it is a search that could be performed via a company name search or simple name to verify whether particular name is registered in the government MCA database or not if not then you can register your business with this name. This protects you from legal actions also. Because if the business is already registered then your application for the same name will get rejected and the government framework also suggests that your business name must be considered before registering. You can do this search with the free tool available to check company name availability in the government database.
Company name availability can be checked in India through the MCA company search tool available online and also via the Masters India company search tool. This MCA name check is free of cost and available at the Masters India website to check the company name. To do a Free Company Search just follow the below steps.
There use case of this tool could be multiple lets understand them
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